Monday, November 12, 2012

Things I Learned While Fixing My Bathroom: Faucets

Here's my next installment of my bathroom re-vamp.


I called my dear mother prior to tell her of my renovation ventures. She doubted my skills.  Oh Sue...

First of all, I had a seriously ugly faucet:

Ugh. So much brass. Perma-spotted. Hot and Cold labels? AM I AN IDIOT? I can figure that out, thank you. Time for an upgrade.

I didn't look up any youtube videos for this one... I figured it was logical. I was right.  However, I did discover that:

a. You cannot put your body in a vanity with drawers. I would have to be five years old if I wanted to fit.  
b. Sometimes you gotta break shit. I ended up ripping up the sink from the vanity (see "a")
c. Plumbing tubes are a bitch to loosen up.
d. I was very lucky to have an adjustable wrench. Make sure you have one of these.

BOOM. I did it. And with minimal water spillage. I obviously called my mom immediately to gloat. I'm mature.


1. Faucets are easy. Drains, on the other hand, are the secret killer.
2. Mom was wrong.

Stay tuned for the next installment: Re-grouting! 



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