Sunday, March 3, 2013

Chrissy and the Technicolor Kitchen

So the saga has come to a (temporary) end.

I have a multicolored kitchen.  I still haven't decided if I love it or it's the tackiest kitchen the world has ever seen.  Maybe both???

So after my staining fail (see last entry), paint was left as my only option. At first I thought to myself "well, I'll just paint it dark brown", but then I found myself watching HGTV (per usual) and decided to get adventurous!

I decided on a darkish gray-blue.  YAY COLOR!

I did a test run behind the fridge and realized I love the blue and wood tone (on the boxes), so decided upon painting the doors and leaving the boxes as-is.  A risky move!

Painting cabinet doors is MUCHHHHH easier than staining.  Maybe staining isn't for me just yet.  Paint, however, I GOT DAT ISHHH.

Since my roommate was out for the weekend, I was able to take advantage of the person-free condo and put cabinet doors ALL OVER my condo and paint them assembly-line-style. 

Very time effective.  I did the back sides (2 coats), went to Mark and Bill's and had dinner, played Settlers of Catan, and came home.  I then painted the front sides at 1:30 AM. 

My condo was such a mess :-(

FINALLY, the paint was dry and the doors were ready to go back up.  GRACIAS A DIOS I had an electric screwdriver!!!

After some clean up, this is what I was looking at:

Interesting. I really liked the look of the open cabinet, so I decided to do it again to above the fridge...

I am still up in the air.  I think whenever I decide to put in a new countertop, I may paint the boxes blue too.  I am planning on putting in a butcher block countertop, so I think the double wood tones will look weird.  In the meantime, I kinda-sorta like the multi-toned kitchen.  Regardless, I was inspired to spruce up the rest of the kitchen afterwards:

Taco night, anyone?

What I learned:

-Stain is poopy.
-Electric screwdrivers make me feel like a BOSS.
-Old tableclothes serve as poor dropclothes.  Paint goes right through them.
-Sherwin Williams will match other paints.  Very handy when the paint machine at Sears Hardware conveniently breaks when I need another quart!